Track25 Studio - Mixing details

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Mixing at Track25.

All our systems can be used for mixing with a variety of options.

Notes on "immersive" mixing

While Pro Tools may be the most well-known "immersive" tool, other apps are also able to create Atmos and immersive content. We now have an Atmos Menu to help understand the options. Our Mix zone has a 9.1.6 speaker environment, while the remaining systems are capable of binaural work with headphones.

Edit Zone

The Edit zone has stereo nearfields and headphones for monitoring, and a variety of audio apps capable of mixing. The primary difference between this and the Mix zone is the larger speaker installation for 9.1.6.

Mix Zone

The Mix zone is capable of all levels of mixing, including Dolby Atmos. For stereo mixing (as well as mastering) we recommend using the Neve mixer as the monitor controller. For non-atmos surround work, we will setup with discreet outputs to the various monitors.

Production Zone

The Production zone has the same powerful set of audio apps as the other zones, but installed in a more traditional shooting and live-streaming environment with stereo speakers and headphones. Stereo and binaural mixing is fully supported..